Myofascial Wisdom

Session Pricing

Myofascial Release is unlike any other form of bodywork you may have experienced. We need healthy fascia so that the tissues and cells within it can function optimally. Other forms of therapy do not address the facial system at all or in a way that brings about optimal functioning. It can not be massaged or forced into equilibrium or what we call "resonance". Combining other modalities such as massage, energy work and physical therapy can enhance the work that we do.

Initial Appointment:

  • 60 minutes $135
  • 90 minutes $165

​​​​Recurring appointments:

The following price plans are ideal for clients that would like to make a commitment to a series of appointments to resolve a specific issue or be on a maintenance plan.


  • 60 minutes $100
  • 90 minutes $135


  • 60 minutes $115
  • 90 minutes $145


  • 60 minutes $125
  • 90 minutes $155

Please schedule at least 4 sessions ahead of time to take advantage of the discount. If life happens and you are not able to make it to an appointment, you are welcome to schedule another at the same cost. Please make every effort to cancel or reschedule your appointment as soon as possible to avoid paying for the missed appointment, at least 48 hours ahead of your scheduled time is preferable. Thank you!