Myofascial Wisdom

Meet Lorien

Arizona license# MT29716      Rhode Island license# MT01876

Massage Therapy is about so much more than manipulating soft tissue. As a therapist who has been receiving regularly since 2002, I have experienced the benefits that long term care can provide. Physically, mentally and spiritually I have needed touch therapy in ways that I never could have anticipated when I began study. Hence the reason I began practicing Myofascial Release (MFR). While receiving this work for my own set of issues, I realized that it can take you the distance in your individual health and wellness goals the way no other therapy can. In various locations across the United States, I continue to study the science and art of this transformational work at hands-on training seminars. I am constantly reminded through my practice what a paramount therapy it is. The truth is MFR can take us deep into our body's own healing capacity. It gives us the opportunity to transform the pain and dysfunction so many of us face on a daily basis and to connect to our whole selves. As a client of mine, we talk about and address your own goals for treatment at every session. Because things change!


My education details:

2002- Graduated from The Desert Institute of the Healing Arts (DIHA), Tucson, AZ. DIHA was sold to Cortiva Institute when statewide massage licensing began to be issued in Arizona. DIHA was one of the most prestigious Massage Therapy schools in the country with 1000 hours of comprehensive training. More than what is required in any state for licensure today.

2004- Completed 750 hours of Zen Shiatsu from DIHA.

2004-2018 Continuing education in Reiki, Chi Nei Tsang, Thai massage and Ethics for Massage Therapists.

2021-Forever training in The John F Barnes' Myofascial Release Approach. Courses completed:

Myofascial Mobilization



Myofascial Unwinding



Advanced Unwinding

Pediatric MFR

Subtle Energy

Myofascial Healing

Therapy for the Therapist


A little more... I am an avid lover of nature, oracle cards and a life long seeker of the truth of all things. I am a Mom. I venture to spend every moment being the absolute best human I can possibly be!